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Trust is a platform that allows building trust and security between people and technology. Trust-Audit allows you to send custom or automatic audit per device.


To implement and use the following library you need to previously install TrustIdentify. Add in your podfile:

platform :ios, '13.0'
source ''
source ''
target 'AppName' do
pod 'TrustAudit', '~> 2.0.0'

And execute:

pod install


If you need to start a main audit instance and set the following to your AppDelegate didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

import TrustIdentify
import TrustAudit
extension AppDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
let serviceName = "defaultServiceName"
let accessGroup = "A2D9N3HN.trustID.example"
let clientID = "example890348h02758a5f8bee4ba2d7880a48d0581e9efb"
let clientSecret = "example8015437e7a963dacaa778961f647aa37f6730bd"
TrustAudit.shared.set(serviceName: serviceName, accessGroup: accessGroup)
TrustAudit.shared.set(currentEnvironment: .prod) // Set environment
TrustAudit.shared.createAuditClientCredentials(clientID: clientID, clientSecret: clientSecret)
return true

To generate a new audit you need activate Access WiFi Information in Signing & Capabilities.

Once the TrustID is created you can use the next login AuditDataManager example:

import TrustAudit
import TrustIdentify
import CoreTelephony
import SystemConfiguration.CaptiveNetwork
// MARK: - AuditDataManagerProtocol
protocol AuditDataManagerProtocol: AnyObject {
func createLoginAudit()
// MARK: - AuditDataManager
class AuditDataManager: NSObject, AuditDataManagerProtocol {
func createLoginAudit() {
guard let savedTrustId = TrustIdentify.shared.getTrustID() else { return }
trustID: savedTrustId,
connectionType: connectionType,
connectionName: ssidConnection,
type: "trust identify",
result: "success",
method: "createLoginAudit",
operation: "login",
userDni: "123456789",
userEmail: "",
userPhone: "99999999",
userFirstName: "FirstName",
userLastName: "LastName"

You can create an audit (without resultObject) with the following code:

func createAudit(trustID: String, connectionType: String, connectionName: String, type: String, result: String, method: String, operation: String, userDni: String, userEmail: String, userPhone: String, userFirstName: String, userLastName: String)

You can create an audit (considering resultObject) with the following code:

func createAudit<T: NSObject & Codable>(trustID: String, connectionType: String, connectionName: String, type: String, result: String, method: String, operation: String, resultObject: T?)


  • trustID: Trust id from TrustIdentify.
  • connectionType: Kind of connection type (3g, 4g, wifi).
  • connectionName: SSID name.
  • type: Audit type.
  • result: Audit result (succes, faiulre).
  • method: Is the current method who call createAudit.
  • operation: Audit type operation.
  • optional userDni: User DNI (for example RUT).
  • optional userEmail: User e-mail address.
  • optional userPhone: User phone number.
  • optional userFirstName: User first name.
  • optional userLastName: User last name.
  • optional resultObject: Optional Object, if you need to add a result object follow the previous example.

Optional Method#

If you need to change the environment between production and test you must use the following method:

  • TrustAudit.shared.set(currentEnvironment: .prod)
  • TrustAudit.shared.set(currentEnvironment: .test)


To ensure the proper functioning of the audit library, in signing and Capabilities layer we must add the "Access WiFi Information" capability.

NOTE: Remember to generate the TrustID with the TrustIdentify library.

To get location coordinates we need add in your "Info.plist" the next lines and implement an location permissions flux.

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